Filmjuicedating a dating site for film lovers online dating help
FilmJuiceDating – A Dating Site For Film Lovers
Unlike traditional dating sites, FilmJuiceDating is a hub for single film lovers, where as well as a date they will also find quirky yet informative articles, such as celebrity dating gossip, date place reviews, competitions, film features and useful dating tips –member are never stuck for date venue ideas or conversation starters, when they do meet up with a fellow film enthusiast!FilmJuiceDating – A Dating Site For Film Lovers
Dating in real life is nothing like the movies. For a start, we don’t all look like Jennifer Aniston and Johnny Depp. Dating can be time consuming, deflating and sometimes down-right exhausting and you don’t always get your man or woman like in the movies.
Nevertheless, we all keep trying because deep down we believe in love, companionship and some slap and tickle between the sheets! Online dating is always being dished out slack because some believe it is an over saturated market, where people shy away from meeting dates in the conventional sense and therefore must have something to hide.
Don’t believe the cynics
But the truth is online dating is the best thing to happen to the dating world in decades and ‘oversaturated’ really means more sites because of greater demand! Simple as that. As for something to hide – that’s just what technophobes say!However, with millions doing it, finding a right match can be like finding a needle in a haystack. That’s why in recent years the industry has seen niche dating sites pop up, from dating for people with a uniform fetish, those with particular professions and even for those with particular heath issues.
Cinema has captured the imagination and hearts of many and it encompass the original date format – dinner and a movie, kissing in the back row, watching films like Brief Encounter. This has developed into a succession of romantic comedies being released highlighting the up and downs of modern romance and art house cinemas popping up, where a couple can catch the latest foreign film offering, if they so please.But how do you find these fellow film lovers? By signing up to online dating sites such as FilmJuiceDating which helps fellow single film lovers find each other– this means instead of going to the cinema or renting the same DVDs alone – they’re now doing it together. Narrowing the field down with a common interest, such as movies, makes it easier and quicker for singles to find other singles they’re compatible with.
Unlike traditional dating sites, FilmJuiceDating is a hub for single film lovers, where as well as a date they will also find quirky yet informative articles, such as celebrity dating gossip, date place reviews, competitions, film features and useful dating tips –member are never stuck for date venue ideas or conversation starters, when they do meet up with a fellow film enthusiast!
If you’d like to find someone with the same interest in film as you then it’s worth giving FilmJuiceDating a try. For more information visit:
About the Author
Aet Suvari has been reviewing and writing about the world of online dating since 2008 and the launch of Online Dating Help. A stickler for promoting ethical practices within the UK dating industry she champions the sites that get it right while highlighting those holding it back. You can follow her on Google+