Sexual escorts

Sexual escorts

This is the bipartite network of sex buyers and their escorts. Nodes are buyers and escorts. An edge denotes sexual intercourse between a male sex-buyer and a female escort. Edges are weighted with the rating of the escort given by the buyer. Three ratings are possible: bad (−1), neutral (0), good (+1).

Sexual escorts

This is the bipartite network of sex buyers and their escorts. Nodes are buyers and escorts. An edge denotes sexual intercourse between a male sex-buyer and a female escort. Edges are weighted with the rating of the escort given by the buyer. Three ratings are possible: bad (−1), neutral (0), good (+1).


Code SX Internal name escorts NameSexual escorts Data source Availability Dataset is available for download Consistency check Dataset passed all tests Category Rating network Node meaningBuyer, escort Edge meaningRating Network format Bipartite, undirected Edge type Ratings, multiple edges Temporal data Edges are annotated with timestamps


Size n =16,730 Left size n 1 =10,106 Right size n 2 =6,624 Volume m =50,632 Unique edge count m̿ =39,044 Wedge count s =1,055,915 Claw count z =37,782,314 Cross count x =1,791,899,404 Square count q =231,440 4-Tour count T 4 =6,155,912 Maximum degree d max =615 Maximum left degree d 1max =134 Maximum right degree d 2max =615 Average degree d =6.052 84 Average left degree d 1 =5.010 09 Average right degree d 2 =7.643 72 Fill p =0.000 583 250 Average edge multiplicity m̃ =1.296 79 Size of LCC N =15,809 Diameter δ =17 50-Percentile effective diameter δ 0.5 =5.294 13 90-Percentile effective diameter δ 0.9 =7.201 57 Median distance δ M =6 Mean distance δ m =5.790 05 Gini coefficient G =0.595 016 Balanced inequality ratio P =0.274 370 Left balanced inequality ratio P 1 =0.275 996 Right balanced inequality ratio P 2 =0.234 428 Relative edge distribution entropy H er =0.910 952 Power law exponent γ =2.179 36 Tail power law exponent γ t =2.871 00 Tail power law exponent with p γ 3 =2.871 00 p-value p =0.336 000 Left tail power law exponent with p γ 3,1 =4.401 00 Left p-value p 1 =0.403 000 Right tail power law exponent with p γ 3,2 =2.481 00 Right p-value p 2 =0.002 000 00 Degree assortativity ρ =−0.043 192 1 Degree assortativity p-value p ρ =1.362 27 × 10 −17 Spectral norm α =622.383 Algebraic connectivity a =0.000 151 319 Spectral separation |λ 1 [A] / λ 2 [A]| =1.192 47 Negativity ζ =0.676 596 Algebraic conflict ξ =0.012 682 0 Spectral signed frustration φ =0.000 650 304 Controllability C =6,813 Relative controllability C r =0.407 233