Matchmaker vs. online dating kelleher international

Matchmaking Over Online Dating

For those with discriminating tastes, matchmaking offers an easy way to date selectively. In fact, there are elite matchmaking firms that only match well-to-do clients with other successful singles. Also, online dating presents special challenges to high-profile singles looking for love. Celebrity matchmaking and executive matchmaking offer a discreet way to meet compatible people. Matchmaking can also offer these benefits:

Matchmaking Over Online Dating

Online dating isn’t just a fad anymore. According to the latest statistics, more than 40 million people in the United States online have admitted to using online dating services to help find a date. However, although there are certainly many success stories from happy couples who met online, the Internet is not right for everyone in search of love. For one, with dating websites it can difficult to tell if someone is being completely honest on their dating profile. Also, putting yourself out there online can expose you to unwanted attention from other users. If you are serious about finding someone to settle down with and don’t think online dating will serve your needs, consider matchmaker services.

For those with discriminating tastes, matchmaking offers an easy way to date selectively. In fact, there are elite matchmaking firms that only match well-to-do clients with other successful singles. Also, online dating presents special challenges to high-profile singles looking for love. Celebrity matchmaking and executive matchmaking offer a discreet way to meet compatible people. Matchmaking can also offer these benefits:

  • Professional guidance. With online dating, you’re essentially on your own to determine which people would be a good fit for you. Many find this difficult and overwhelming. When you enlist the help of a skilled matchmaker, you benefit from his or her expertise and well-honed intuition in your search for the right person.
  • A more targeted search. Most dating websites nowadays offer advanced search features that allow you to filter other members by criteria such as age, religious beliefs or activities. But these sites don’t let you sift members by more specific and often vague qualities, like temperament, that are important in determining true compatibility. A matchmaker can find these qualities in someone much more effectively than a computer database can.
  • Careful screening. An important part of the dating process is determining whether a potential suitor is on the up and up. Matchmakers thoroughly check out each potential match before introducing them to the client.
  • Confidentiality. With online dating, your profile is available for all site members to view. With matchmaking services, your privacy is protected from unwanted scrutiny.

If you’re looking to meet Mr. or Mrs. Right and simply don’t feel comfortable posting a profile online, matchmaking may be for you. For a thorough search with a personal touch, consider matchmaking to meet that special someone.